Two easy ways to spring clean yourself! More to follow.

I never think that January or February are particularly good months to change your diet or detox.
There is too much rich food left over from Christmas and New Year, its cold, wet and windy, so you need comfort food and perhaps feel like hibernating (we are part of the animal kingdom after all!)
However, springtime is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf.
The next few posts on my blog , overseveral weeks, will give you some easy ways to spring clean YOU. So check back in 10 days or so to see the next suggestion!
Here are the first two, both of which I have found really beneficial:

My beautiful vintage china, and hot lemon water in glorious spring sunshine, Bristol!

My beautiful vintage china, and hot lemon water in glorious spring sunshine, Bristol!

1. First thing drink a cup of hot water (let it cool a bit before drinking) with a good squeeze of lemon. (Never put the peel in hot water, unless your lemon is organic, as the skin will have pesticide residue on it).
If you like you could add a pinch of cayenne powder, or some grated root ginger for extra taste and heat.
Its great for clear skin, the liver, and digestion - you,ll probably find it makes you more "regular"! 
Lemons contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene–that promotes immunity and fight infection. So this is an easy habit to get into in winter too, to help ward off colds and flu.
Despite being acidic, lemon turns alkaline in our bodies.
As disease thrives when our bodies pH is acidic, (more of this in later posts) drinking lemon water regularly can help to remove this acidity, for example uric acid in the joints, which is one of the main causes of pain and inflammation.
Stay tuned for the next thrilling instalment in this blog!
Its nice to know people have read my post, and how they've got on with any suggestions I've made, so please do leave a comment :) (I wanted to share what works for me, and not intend as advice. Everyone is different.) 

2. Check out my Bristol based Pilates classes here! :)

Pilates Table Top exercise for alignment, core strength and balance. Clifton, Bristol

Pilates Table Top exercise for alignment, core strength and balance. Clifton, Bristol