Two more easy ways to give yourself a clean up!

1) Skin brushing
Skin is the largest organ in the body. It's rather important - quite apart from stopping us spilling out everywhere - it plays a big role in detoxing us - sweat being a perfect example of this.
In fact over 1 pound of waste products are excreted via the skin every day!
You can give it a helping hand through regular skin brushing.
Check out my previous "Spring Clean Yourself" post

My brush -well used!

My brush -well used!

 Skin brushing can help with:

  • Increased detoxification and therefore can help to decrease incidence of colds and other infections.

  • Improved blood and lymph circulation.

  • Smoother skin.

  • Discourages cellulite.

  • Reduces water retention.

  • Wakes you up and makes you feel more vibrant and invigorated! 

Before a shower or bath, on a dry body, with a long handled natural bristle brush, use long sweeping strokes towards the heart. Start at the soles of the feet and work up the legs. Brush up the arms. Start at the neck and work down. 
Always avoid sensitive areas like moles, warts and broken veins.
Don't brush your face. 
Circle the abdomen gently.
Circle the groin, back of the knee and the chest very near the armpits a few times clockwise and anti clockwise, as this is where the lymph nodes cluster.
I suggest you work very gently at first until you get used to it, then later you can experiment with different pressures.
Postcript added July 2022
I find I have very dry skin at the moment, but have discovered that applying a body oil first followed by you favourite cream or lotion, really helps.
You might like to try something toxin free and plant based eg Rescue and Renew Detox Lotion. With orange, lavender anise and bergamot essential oils . Mmm! If you would really like to treat yourself there is a Rescue and Renew Detox body oil to go with it, you will smell gorgeous! I think the French call this “layering” - using different products with the same smell.
And if you are feeling the heat, or are having menopausal hot flushes this Rescue and Renew Detox cooling moisturising gelee is on sale at the moment. (July 2022) Please contact me if you have any questions re these products.
(I receive a small remuneration from the links.)


Retro glass of water and psyllium husks ready to stir in!

Retro glass of water and psyllium husks ready to stir in!

2) Psyllium husks
Can be great for an internal detox. 
The husks swell when it comes into contact with water, so acts like a digestive broom, getting things moving nicely! 
You could just start with trying half a teaspoon (and then try 1 teaspoon when you feel like it) mix it with plenty ofwater and drink it down first thing in the morning or last thing at night. 
You can see what suits you, but maybe a couple to three times a week is enough for a while, then just take when you need it.

All the above are just suggestions, which I find work for me. They are not intended as advice or prescriptive. If you are on medications, have health conditions, please see your health professional.
And please share your tips with me in the comment box below. :)